Saturday, January 23, 2016

Plate By Zumba

Plate by Zumba is a nutrition coaching program created in 2015 by Zumba with the expert help of Mark Hyman, MD, Neal Barnard, MD, and Registered Dietitian, Lisa Dorfman.  Dr. Hyman is the medical director for the Cleveland Clinic Center of Functional Medicine, and author of several best-selling books, including the 10-day Detox, and Mindful Eating.  Dr. Neal Barnard, is a professor at The George Washington University School of Medicine, the President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and author of several books, including Dr. Neal Barnard’s Program for Reversing Diabetes, Power Food for the Brain, and Foods that Cause You to Lose Weight.  Lisa Dorfman is a Sports Nutritionist, who formerly served as Director of the Graduate Program in Nutrition for Health and Human Performance at the University of Miami.

Zumba created this program so that licensed Zumba instructors who are part of the Zumba Instructor Network (ZIN) can offer nutrition advice to their students.  I completed the Plate by Zumba Coaching certification program, and I am excited to coach you on how to make the right food choices, and how to create lasting, life-changing results.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Pre-Workout Fuel

You have a Zumba class after work, and before you have time to go home to eat dinner.  You want to know what you should eat.  I've got the answer. According to Plate By Zumba, you should keep it simple! Make it low fiber, low fat and low spice because your digestive system will be in down mode and blood will be flowing fast to the muscles when you work them out.

Your primary source of fuel should be from carbs. What?  The forbidden "C" word?  Yes, a combination of simple carbs for quick energy, like coconut water and honey gel, and complex carbs like whole grain pretzels and crackers to keep you going over a one-hour period of time.  A piece of fruit is also good.  You should also drink plenty of water to help you stay hydrated and sharp.

What about fitness products such as protein bars and energy drinks?  As long as there are no artificial ingredients, colors or preservatives, no high fructose corn syrup, no caffeine, and no herbs you do not recognize like guarana, mate, tea powder, and absolutely no Brominated Vegetable Oils (BVOs) found in some sodas and energy drinks.

BVOs are banned in Japan and Europe, and in the U.S., Coca Cola and Pepsi companies have agreed to remove them from their sodas, but have been slow in doing so.  The best drink is WATER!

Two hours before class, drink two cups (16 ounces) of water, and during class, drink 1/2 cup every 15 minutes to help you avoid dehydration.  Dehydration causes dizziness, headache, and fainting.  After class, and within an hour of exercising, drink another two cups of water and a protein rich meal.


It has been some time since I deleted my previous blog to move on to something new.  You see, I started my own fitness business in October 2013.  I left the healthcare field to focus on the prevention of diseases and illness, and overall good health!  I went from being the Office Manager for the Washington, D.C. Organ Procurement Organization to CEO of Brickhouse Cardio Club - Stafford.  Brickhouse is part of a franchise of dance fitness studios throughout the United States.  The good thing about joining Brickhouse for members, is that once you join one studio, you may attend other Brickhouse studios free of charge. Win, win, win!

Brickhouse Cardio Club - Stafford offers dance fitness classes such as Zumba, WERQ, Kettlebell AMPD, Insanity, and A To Z Toning, and A To Z Stretch and Tone.  I love owning Brickhouse Cardio Club.  I started out just teaching Zumba in 2010, but have now added several fitness formats and certifications to my resume. I have also added the nutrition piece by become a Plate By Zumba(R) coach, and an Herbalife distributor.

In this blog, you will find mostly information about making nutrition and fitness work together for optimal health. I will provide, suggestions, tips, and advice. I welcome questions, comments, and concerns!